A simple gesture is to install a programmer on the lamps of the living room and the bedrooms to give the impression that your home is occupied. Don't let the mailbox overflow either! To do this, you can ask a neighbor to collect the mail or set up a temporary redirection to your vacation spot near La Poste. Someone you trust may also duplicate your keys to open the shutters from time to time. All these little gestures will make a burglar think when he sees that your house is occupied.
Dissuade a potential burglar from taking an interest in your home
Install automatic lighting around your home: a burglar likes discretion and will not venture to try his luck in bright light when he wants to operate in the middle of the night! The presence of roses or other thorny beds planted under the windows on the ground floor will also make access difficult.
Report the presence of a watchdog… even if you don't have a watchdog! It's a detail that can make a difference. The National Crime Observation has indeed found that this parameter reduces the risk of your home being targeted by 25%. The presence of a visible camera (even dummy) also reduces the risk accordingly.
Secure your home
Take care that the cylinder of your front door does not protrude from it by more than 3mm. Indeed, a cylinder protruding too much can easily be torn off by a burglar, who would only have to open your door with a simple screwdriver.
The installation of bars on the windows on the ground floor can also be a deterrent. Unfortunately, these bars are often made to measure, and you will need to call on a trusted locksmith for this.
The preferred access point for burglars remains, more than 50%, the main entrance door. Securing your home, therefore, necessarily involves the installation of maximum security on it. It is possible to strengthen it by adding a 3-point lock or shielding significantly. But the best option in terms of burglary resistance remains the installation of an armored door. However, if you live in a pavilion, this option is only valid to secure the other opening elements. The rear door must therefore also be reinforced. Also, opt for installations of windows that can be locked and solid shutters. In all cases, the advice of a locksmith is essential to choose the right armored door.
Good daily practices
If you move into a new home as an owner or tenant, you must change the original cylinder. Indeed, you cannot be sure that you have all the keys to the door without it. If a key is in the wild and falls into the wrong hands, you could be the victim of a non-break-in burglary, which will not be refunded to you. Likewise, if you have dropped your keyring that has been stolen, immediately change the cylinders of the doors concerned. Choose high-security cylinders with patented keys. This will prevent a passing person such as a babysitter, a worker, or an employee of your company from having the wrong idea of duplicating your keys behind your back! You can even opt for a connected lock to assign your occasional visitors a digital key that will only be valid during the period when these people must have access to your home or offices.
In case of intrusion
If a burglar manages to break into your home despite all the precautions taken, the challenge is to reduce as much as possible the time that he will spend on the premises and the loot that he will be likely to bring with it. Him.
The installation of an alarm system seems, in this case, a relevant answer. The choice of the different types of sensors and their location will then be the business of an alarmist locksmith. First, however, consider favoring a system with both an indoor siren and an outdoor siren with a light signal. The first will have the function of hindering the intruder by a loud noise, which will prompt him to leave the premises quickly. The second will have the role of drawing the attention of the neighborhood to the burglary in progress. Finally, there are also opacifying fog diffusers. Non-toxic, the fog released in a room during a burglary prevents intruders' thorough search of the premises. Ideal for securing your home effectively!
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