When a web developer engages in a business creation process, he must follow specific steps and complete certain formalities. The
procedures are generally the same for all companies.
A web
design company in Pakistan is giving a file on the launch of a computer programmer
/ web developer activity. It is organized into 3 parts, which represent the
main stages of business creation :
Opt for legal status and make creative choices
Carry out a financial business plan,
And apply for company registration.
business creation web developer computer
The legal status of the computer programmer and the various
creation choices
Choosing a legal status is the most important choice you
will have to make. The latter will condition many parameters of your project.
There are different statuses at the present time. Each of them has its own
characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.
The legal status of the web developer
Numerous legal
statutes allow the activity of web developer. You can get started:
In own name :
Micro-enterprise (with EIRL option)
"Classic" sole proprietorship
Sole proprietorship with "EIRL" option
Or in society :
Alone: single-member simplified joint stock
company (SASU) or one-person limited liability company (EURL)
Several: simplified joint stock company (SAS),
limited liability company (SARL), public limited company (SA) ...
The realization of a financial business plan for a web developer
The financial business plan is not necessarily an essential
step in the creation of a computer programming company. In general, this
project presents little risk and does not require special investments . Funding
requests are therefore quite rare in practice.
However, making a business plan has the advantage of
clarifying your ideas and quantifying the expected income. This step also
allows you to validate the creation choices that you must have taken beforehand
and that we have presented above.
The business plan of a web developer has two parts:
A narrative part in which you present your project, your
profile, the results of your possible market research, the description of your
offer ...
And a financial part in which you will present the economic
impacts of your activity.
The financial part of your business plan contains tables,
the main ones of which are: the provisional balance sheet, the provisional
income statement and the cash budget. To build it, you will have to follow a
specific procedure:
Calculate your monthly and annual forecast
Identify and evaluate all your professional
Anticipate your salaries and calculate social
Determine the result subject to profit tax and
calculate it;
Break down your cash every month, based on cash
receipts / disbursements.
Registration of a computer programming company
After you have found your legal status and completed your
business plan, you can enter the “production” phase for your creation. The
objective of this process is to apply for the registration of your company. The
steps to take depend, again, on your legal status.
The formalities for setting up a sole proprietorship
The steps to create a
sole proprietorship are very simple.
If you opt for EIRL, you are required to complete a
declaration of allocation of your assets. This helps protect part of your
personal wealth from your creditors.
Finally, you must drop off your dossier at the Business
Formalities Center (CFE). Specific documents must be attached, such as proof of
identity, a declaration of non-conviction, proof of occupancy of the premises,
The formalities for creating a company
The creation of a company is, on the other hand, more
delicate . You will need to do the following:
Identify the main characteristics (name,
address, activity, duration, etc.),
Allocate a share capital composed of
contributions of money and / or goods,
Draft statutes in due form,
Open a bank account in the name of the company
in training,
Make the planned contributions (transfer funds
to the blocked account),
Finalize and sign the final statutes,
Publish a creation notice in a journal of legal
Complete and sign an “M0” registration
application form,
Apply for the registration of your company in
the trade and companies register,
Solicit the banking establishment in order to
unblock the contributions of money
The file can be submitted by post or online on the Internet.
This generally allows you to start your company at a lower cost .
Once created, your business:
May have recourse to a chartered accountant to keep his
accounts and make his tax declarations,
Will have a great interest in taking out professional
insurance (covering at least your professional civil liability),
Must absolutely join a management association if it falls
under income tax (otherwise, your income will be increased by 25%),
Will find several advantages to be equipped with an
invoicing software .
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