Tips for cleaning the house before moving into it

We know how difficult it is to cope with the stress of moving to a new home. That's why we want to help you with some tips on how to clean a house before moving into it. Obviously, a house must always be clean, but there are some aspects that you must take into account when moving.

Take care of the ceilings

Our first tip for deep cleaning before moving is to take care of the ceilings. If it is inconvenient to clean floors and walls where there is furniture, imagine what happens to the ceiling. You better do it as soon as possible and as long as there are not many things in the house. Depending on the condition of the home, you can find spiders or at least a considerable amount of dust, especially if the plaster has decorative prominences. With a slipper and a large, slightly damp cloth, it will be enough to clean the ceilings if there are no problems, such as humidity.

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Prepare the walls

The condition of the walls can be, at least, average. Although they do not look dirty, the walls get dirty. We are not talking about the fact that they fade, but about the dirt that we never remove because, apparently, they are clean. Start by removing the decorative elements that you will not use and fill the holes with putty. After drying, wipe with a damp cloth to remove the dust it generates. Then, you will need to use a sponge soaked in a little hydrogen peroxide to wipe the entire surface. If there is a particularly dirty area, you can use a magic eraser, which is nothing but a special sponge, although if it is not necessary, I advise you to use a normal one, much less aggressive.

Don't forget to clean the windows

Remember the windows, because you will have a lot of work to do. You need to clean them inside and out, as well as their frames.

The best thing, if you can, is to remove each leaf so you can clean the windows easier and faster. Then you can quickly clean them with a lint-free cloth and a regular detergent. Rub well so that no traces remain. The frames, depending on the material from which they are made, aluminum or wood, will require a special product.

Watch out for the baseboards

It is an area that many people do not clean, but I assure you that a lot of dust accumulates, just as it is deposited on a picture frame or on any furniture or other surface. It is a place known only to those who usually thoroughly clean the house. Use a broom to remove large amounts of dust, use a microfiber cloth with soap and neutral soap, or a special wood product if made of this material.

Don't forget the "hidden" spaces

There are areas we always forget, such as air inlets and outlets, behind radiators, etc. Clean them well using a product for plastic or metal surfaces.

Whitewash the house so that it looks like new

If you used putty on colored walls, you would have no choice but to lime them. But even if the walls are soaked in nicotine, very dirty, or simply if you want to take advantage of the fact that the house is empty. Giving lime will refresh the house.

To give the walls lime and the ceiling, if necessary, you will need to cover the pieces of furniture if any, sockets and switches, and moisten the floor so that the paint that can drip does not dry out.

Before whitewashing, you will need to clean the walls with a dry cloth, if they are just dusty or slightly damp if there is a stain that you think you need to remove. When whitewashing, it is advisable to give two coats, even if you use a dark color.

Cleaning the kitchen will be fundamental

Kitchens, which usually remain installed in homes when they are sold, have a lot of hidden dirt.

Start by opening the furniture, remove the doors and rub them with bleach or disinfectant; rinse and use, if you wish, a fragrant soap to give them a pleasant smell.

The hood filter deserves special attention and requires considerable effort. Remove the filter and clean with a good degreaser. Also, clean the whole hood, so you don't have to do it for a long time.
